Found another Belgium beer at the store. I'm a sucker for Abbey beers. I think it is so awesome monks make beer. In all actuality, I've spent a good bit of time thinking about this. Here's how the thought process goes. I believe in God...check. I believe in good beer...check. I look good in brown....check. Making beer for the lord has to be the best gig in town. Right? :)
Here is my take on Affligem Blond 1074: It poured very nicely, fantastic head, aromatic smells, and a bold color. However, when the beer reached the back of my mouth, the taste went a bit wonky. It still is a good beer and I would drink it again.
You should check out Affligem's website. Some wicked cool chanting monks. You can't visit the abbey, but you can visit the cultural center where you can also buy cheese and wine.
Is "wonky" a technical term when tasting beer. LOL. I like your theory on the monks making beer.
Wonky is a family term. I'm still thinking about the monks. The problem is I'm totally happily married. Monks don't have wives and kids. boo!
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